Friday, April 3, 2009

Opportunity Cost

Oppourtunity Cost is the cost of any choice you make. If you quit your job to go to a different one it will get you or lose you money. Going to college will cost you money but it might get you a high salary later on. Oppourtunity cost is a good way to weigh out the benfits of your choices and choose the best thing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Compound Interest and the Rule of 72

Compound Intrest is when you gain intrest on the amount you have already gainned intrest on. If you have 50% a month intrest rate and u currently have $100 with regular intrest you gain $50 dollars every month. If you have compound intrest The 1st month you would gain 50% intrest on $100, so the next month you have $150 and instead of getting 50% intrest on the original you get 50% intrest on the new amount $150. The amount of intrest you get will go up. 1st month you gain $50 second $75.
Rule of 72 is a way of figuring out how long it will take for an investment gainning intrest to double. The formula is simply 72 divided by the intrest rate.

Compound Interest and the Rule of 72

Compound Intrest is when you gain intrest on the amount you have already gainned intrest on. If you have 50% a month intrest rate and u currently have $100 with regular intrest you gain $50 dollars every month. If you have compound intrest The 1st month you would gain 50% intrest on $100, so the next month you have $150 and instead of getting 50% intrest on the original you get 50% intrest on the new amount $150. The amount of intrest you get will go up. 1st month you gain $50 second $75.
Rule of 72 is a way of figuring out how long it will take for an investment gainning intrest to double. The formula is simply 72 divided by the intrest rate.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

George's Investment plan

Well I plan on investing in things that are either uneffected by bad economy or things that are possitively effected by bad economy. People are to poor to go on vacation and things like that so they have to resort to other less expensive was of "entertainning"(bow chicka bow wow) themselves.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Intro To The Stock Market

1) A Stock is part ownership in a comapany. The more stock a person has the more of a company they control.

2)Most of the time Public comapanies have many share holders and private one have a few main ones.

3)DOW Jones is the avergae cost of the shares in the 30 most importain comapines in the country.

4)Blue Chip Stocks are the Stocks of comapanies who are realitivly save to invest in.

5)National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations(NASDAQ) is a Stock exchange

6)Mutual Fund when people invest money togeather in stocks and bonds and other investments


Friday, February 6, 2009